Thursday, April 26, 2012

Dream of Doll - Ivan

Kirill & Ivan


Same as Kirill, Ivan is the one of very important vassals of Lucifer.
He keeps and watches over souls, which
Kirill brings before Lucifer needs it. 

He also doesn't get old and stays young forever. 

He can disguise himself into something else.

Here's homme version for Ivan.
Ivan (Homme Version)

Kirill & Ivan (Homme Version)

All credits goes to Dream of Doll and their amazing doll artists plus help from ball jointed doll wiki

Dream of Doll - Kirill

Kirill & Ivan


One of the Lucifer's vassal.
He manipulates and captures human souls and brings it to
He is gifted not to be old and stay young forever. 

He is good at mathematics and alchemy.

the one that Petsha loves.
but he prefer to be with Ivan

I love Kirill the most~~ ♥
but might end up broken heart like Petsha.... ||OTL

Here's the homme version of Kirill

Kirill (Homme Version)
Ivan & Kirill (Homme Version)

All credits goes to Dream of Doll and their amazing doll artists plus help from ball jointed doll wiki

Dream of Doll - I-Ra




The only person who can handle the sword 'Odyssey' which captured the soul of the best swordsman ever since the Genesis, she is right arm of Ducan, and highest class of dark elf swordswoman.

Under the command of
Ducan, she has been in many battle with priests at the head of dark elves.

She's teaching swordsmanship to Petsha to protect herself.
She is attracted to
Ducan's charisma and leadership, so she betrayed her 'Moon Elf' and became a 'Dark Elf', but every time she hears moon shining songs from moon elves, she's deeply destressed by her true identity.

When she started the lesson for
Petsha, she saw the mysterious silver-blond hair young man, who is being helped by Petsha.
She cured him with a prescription of the Moon Elf's handed down for generations.

When young man opened his eyes..
from his eyes..
she has the delicate feeling towards him....

In my opinion, the mysterious silver-blond hair young man might be Sha.

All credits goes to Dream of Doll and their amazing doll artists plus help from ball jointed doll wiki

Dream of Doll - Petsha


The girl who loves cat and beautiful singing of birds.

Not like Ducan whom made of pure dark blood, she is half human and half dark elf,
and also
Ducan's one and the only precious younger sister.

She is weak by nature because she is mixed blood, so
Ducan's right hand, swordswoman I-Ra has been teaching her a swordsmanship to protect herself.

She asked her brother to get alchemy and mathematics lessons from Kirill, and she ended up falling in love with the intellective and dispassionate Kirill.
But she realizes that
Kirill wants to be just with Ivan all the time,
and due to that her heart is broken.

The most scary thing for
Ducan who is the master of cold-blooded dark world, is losing Petsha.

She can read animals' mind and even also people's. After you have a sweet nap with her, then she makes everything goes easier and helps you to have a new starting which is very mystic. She is quite delicately built but always smile to others.

All credits goes to Dream of Doll and their amazing doll artists plus help from ball jointed doll wiki

Dream of Doll - Ducan



Lucifer Ducan, who tempts God.
He hold the power over Aeren – the city of water colors,
and uses innocents souls for the source of his Black Magic.

He got wounded severely during the fight with the priest Sha,
so stayed in the outer wall of the city.

During his stay, he met this beautiful and innocent girl and got cured by her, but then he found out that she is the sister of Aeren who saves souls with Sha from him and get very confused.

In my opinion, the one who saved him was Shall. Since there's no other wiki talked about this, so I'm not sure.

These are another version of Ducan as Dark Elf.
I myself prefer this version rather than Elf version above.

Ducan - Dark Elf version

All credits goes to Dream of Doll and their amazing doll artists plus help from ball jointed doll wiki

Dream of Doll - Shall



18 years old
The sister of Aeren, the city of water color.

She has been retrieving poor lost souls from the contract with Lucifer and purify them.

She can see future in her dream and Sha's been a great help, but the sadness of the people who didn't get saved is a burden to her as she is after all still a frail girl.

She feels
Sha's love, but she tries to ignore and pretends there is not any feelings between them.

Shall & Sha

All credits goes to Dream of Doll and their amazing doll artists plus help from ball jointed doll wiki

Dream of Doll - Sha



17 years old
The priest of Aeren , the city of water color.

He has been helping Shall, the sister of Aeren with purify Lucifer's troops.

He decided to sacrifice his life to God, but he has fallen hopelessly in love with Shall with feelings he cannot define.

Not like other priest, he is also a wizard.

I love Sha's determined eyes~ 

Sha & Shall

All credits goes to Dream of Doll and their amazing doll artists plus help from ball jointed doll wiki


Friday, April 20, 2012

Fenomena "Lucid Dream"

Ada yang sudah pernah dengar tentang Lucid Dream atau mimpi nyata/sadar ?
Kalau perlu penjelasan yang detail, silahkan masing-masing mengarah kepada wikipedia atau web lain. Karena saya bukan pakarnya dan tidak terlalu paham juga. yaaah daripada saya jelaskan dan ternyata saya malah menyesatkan anda lebih baik cari sendiri yak. (lol~)

Intinya adalah mimpi disaat anda tahu bahwa anda sedang bermimpi, alias anda sadar betul yang anda lihat di mimpi anda terasa nyata. dan, dari informasi yang saya dapatkan, apapun yang anda lihat di dalam lucid dreams adalah nyata.

Website sebelah menyatakan bahwa lucid dreams dapat dikontrol. bagi yang kepingin coba, silahkan. Tapi saya sarankan jangan setelah nonton film serem ya. Karena apapun yang anda lihat dalam keadaan lucid dream atau mimpi nyata itu adalah nyata.
Coba bayangkan kalau anda habis nonton film Ju-On terus mau coba mempraktekkan lucid dream, dan saat anda setengah tertidur dan setengah sadar anda melihat sesosok makhluk hitam di ujung tempat tidur anda... sedang memperhatikan anda....
ingat, apa yang anda lihat ketika sedang mengalami lucid dreams adalah nyata....

Ok, disini saya akan share mengenai cerita nyata teman saya mengenai fenomena lucid dream yang dia alami. Teman saya, sebutlah namanya Yani, dia mengalami lucid dream saat sedang tertidur tanpa disengaja. Saat itu dia sedang tertidur, badannya ringan dan seperti mimpi biasa. Namun rasanya apa yang dia lihat itu benar-benar nyata di depan matanya.
Yang dia lihat adalah sebuah tempat yang dia kenal, yaitu tempat kost pacarnya, sebutlah namanya Handy.
Si Yani ini di dalam lucid dream-nya, dia berada di kamar Handy dan dia melihat pintu kamar Handy terbuka dan sesosok makhluk putih muncul di balik pintu itu. Dia melihat, makhluk putih itu transparan dan bergidik (bergetar karena kedinginan) dengan wajah pucat tertutup rambut yang putih juga.
Tiba-tiba makhluk bergidik itu melesat dan memeluk tubuh Handy yang sedang tertidur di atas kasurnya. Yani terkejut! Dia tahu makhluk itu adalah makhluk halus, saat dia menceritakan kepada saya, dia memberi istilah "hantu merinding" kepada makhluk itu.
Perasaan Yani langsung tidak karuan. Dia melihat Handy tertidur nyenyak, sedangkan makhluk putih yang bergidik itu memeluknya erat-erat sambil tidur di sebelahnya dengan tubuh transparan yang bergetar.
Saat itu Yani langsung berusaha bangun dari tidurnya. Ketika sudah bangun, dia langsung menelpon pacarnya saat itu juga. Setelah beberapa kali berdering, pacarnya mengangkat telpon dari Yani.
"Ha~~loo~~..." Suaranya terdengar seperti orang meriang kedinginan.
"Kenapa kamu?!!" Yani tak kalah paniknya mendengar suara pacarnya tampak tidak sehat.
Perasaannya semakin menyatakan bahwa mimpi yang barusan dialaminya adalah benar-benar kejadian.
"Ga...tau...nih... tiba...tiba...badan...gua...dingin...banget....meriang....." Jawab Handy.
"Cepet! Cepet! Oles minyak urapan ke badan lu!" Kata Yani dengan sigap.
Minyak urapan adalah minyak zaitun yang telah diberkati oleh pendeta. Secara teman saya si Yani dan Handy ini adalah pemeluk agama kristiani.
Lalu Handy cepat-cepat mengolesi badannya dengan minyak urapan disertai dengan doa.
Setelah itu seketika tubuh Handy merasa lebih baik. Yani menanyakan keadaannya dan katanya sudah tidak meriang lagi. Lalu Yani cerita kepada Handy mengenai kenapa dia bisa langsung saat itu juga menelpon Handy dimana kejadian itu terjadi jam 3 pagi.
"Iya, gua lihat elu dipeluk sama hantu merinding." Kata Yani dengan polosnya ke Handy di telpon.

Yap, begitulah cerita dari teman saya si Yani mengenai peristiwa yang dia alami. Saat saya mendengar cerita ini, saya belum terlalu familiar dengan istilah lucid dream. Tapi setelah teman saya cerita dan didukung dari informasi lain mengenai lucid dreams, saya semakin yakin kalau yang akan kita lihat di dalam keadaan mimpi sadar adalah kejadian nyata.

So, hati-hati kalau mau mencoba mengalami Lucid Dream ya.
Uh? Bagaimana dengan saya?
Hahahahha!!!! Tentu saja saya tidak akan mencobanya!